Snapshots and videos will be your "Vessel" on this journey of automotive glazing, and its appeal to the student and curious alike.

The good and bad photography of etched cut glass by Robb Rich
From original film to digital format. This content serves to construct a Museum of one man's mind in glass design onto a cyberspace format.
On this Webpage, and YouTube videos there will be a presentation that goes from hot rods, to limos, for all those who love a great jalopy.

Here is one tale of a journey in auto glass that truly proceeded as a jalopy ride, This automotive portion of the story will be in pictorial fragments sifted from the archives of....("Hey...Where did I put those pictures")

Now when it comes to building this website, every scrap of photo becomes precious in the realization of its value in documentation. This is because much of what you see here, does not exist anymore...except on Robb's film. 99% of the art you see in these photos went to the junkyard, and then to destruction. Automotive Glass Etching is a small part of the glass industry, nevertheless it is an industry Mr. Rich is proud to be a part of. It has also been quite a ride, spanning more than four decades long.

The First and Last Hollywood Party in a Gold Rolls-Royce
If you ever lived in Hollywood... and enjoy a reasonable degree of perception, you can quickly see that this place is a gag. The stuff of dreams, but still a gag, furthermore it is a great big gag machine churning out many other little gags. One of those gags is a gold Rolls-Royce built for a movie star, and appearing in many American Car Shows for a brief time in its history...then it Disappeared.

This Rolls-Royce was customized and rebuilt by the great George Barris most famous for the original Batmobile from the1960s television show "what a gag that was" That one automobile generated millions of dollars, and that's no gag. The car became a star in its own world, as does many other custom cars built by George Barris.

Living in Hollywood, California for 1977 and 1978 began to bring the art of Robb Rich to the attention of many, and many more after that by virtue of his custom car association with George Barris and the gold Rolls-Royce Mr. Barris built for movie star Zsa Zsa Gabor.

With roses, vines, and hummingbirds, this commission was a straightforward conservative design, but unorthodox application of cut glass needed by a deadline for an Auto Expo. There was a champagne party with movie stars and everything...But as soon as the next day was back to reality as life went on through the 70s, 80s, 90s, and a turn-of-the-century.

Time Travel is No Gag - the Rolls-Royce Reappears
In 2014, more than 35 years after Robb Rich cut the glass on the windows of this automobile, it reappears on the website of BRABO CARS ...a Rolls-Royce and Bentley dealership in the Netherlands.

More recent photography shows the etched window art is as pristine as the day it was cut almost 40 years ago... Sometime after this discovery the present owner Eef Loonstra of Belvedere Trouwservice contacted Mr. Rich for his assistance in tracking the history and establishing a provenance for the car, now attracting attention at auto shows in Europe.
This has been a short story shorter for this page pictorial.
Stay tuned, Learn more, new videos and more stories, coming to this Street Art Page and YouTube Videos from time to time...

Cut glass photos, videos and all other content on this website is exclusive to Robb Rich with the exception of some photos of the gold Rolls-Royce furnished by friends in the Netherlands with their gracious permission.
Very Special Thanks to
Eef Loonstra Belvedere Trouwservice
Met and Andre Brabo Cars

Special Dedication
George and Shirley Barris